losing the connections 

Walking alone through
the myriads of time.
In the darkest place of existence.
I saw your light pulsating.
Temporary flickers causing you
to fade ever so slightly.
I wasn’t sure what you were.
Where you were.
If you were real.
You walked up. I touched you.
I felt love. Deep love. You felt love.
So we embraced.
The grand nature of
our graceful illumination.
A transcendental embrace.
Two lights dancing.
No orchestra playing.
Only the sound of our beating hearts
The deep darkness surrounding us
Struck by blasts of lightening.
Our love glowing. Flowing.
Bringing soft kisses of lovelight into the realms.
Then a quake of energy
Ripped you from me.
I cried. I couldn’t see any light.
Only darkness. Deep void.
Our love separated into tiny fractals of light. Disappearing into existence.
Like the tears of an Angel.
Drops of Jupiter.
Pieces of the moon.
Rain in the desert.
Salt spray of the sea.
A feel a piece of self now lost to me.
And I no longer feel free.
Walking the myriads of dark energy.
No longer expressing the light within me.

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